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We live in an age of instant gratification.

Any information we could possibly want is available at our fingertips. People are connected 24 hours a day, and in business, leaders can expect this sense of instantaneousness to be in everything they do or ask for.

Having been conditioned to believe that things like ‘7 minute’ abs are possible, who could blame us for expecting to see our ‘brilliant ideas’ to be implemented overnight, and to see results quickly?

But it’s all a trap. There is a world of difference between something being done quickly, and something being done well.

At this time of year, forward planning is essential. It’s about creating a roadmap of sorts, so we know how to get to where we’re heading. Quarterly targets are also important, but don’t let them overshadow the big goals.

When it comes to relaying the grand plans to your staff or to your team, ensure the timeframes set are agreed to by all, and that there’s some negotiation in the process. We hire the best people for the jobs, and so if there’s a task that will take 4 weeks, don’t expect it in a week.

It’s an adjustment, because that’s not what the magazine headlines would have us believe. Being the New Year, like clockwork, I fell for the whole ‘get fit in 10 days’ regime – and my legs and arms learned the hard way that there’s something to be said for the ‘gently, gently’ approach.

So this year, chip away at your goals and remember that the results worth having, are the ones worth waiting for.

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Colin Porter

Colin Porter

Colin Porter is the publisher of <a href="http://backend.dynamicbusiness.com">Dynamic Business </a>and the founder and MD of credit reporting bureau, <a href="https://creditorwatch.com.au/?gclid=Cj0KEQiAuf2lBRDW07y3z6f96awBEiQA0IngJsFjYmnhYgwstowr0CGDFMnLFoRAr_amcjL170FeNcoaAu_J8P8HAQ">CreditorWatch</a>. He has over 20 years experience as a business owner, specialising in general small/medium business issues, cashflow, credit management and online business. Follow CreditorWatch on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/CreditorWatch/158362990867063">Facebook</a>, <a href="//twitter.com/creditorwatch">Twitter</a> and <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/company/1240696">LinkedIn</a>.

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