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5 ways to improve the look and feel of your office

If you’re a business owner looking for ways to improve employee productivity or an employee who is struggling to work in the environment you’ve been provided with, then it may be time to improve the look and feel of your office.

There are many ways to achieve this, that could ultimately give you the change that you and your employees so badly need.

Colours matter

The colour of your office makes a massive difference in how productive people are in the work environment so choosing the right colour is imperative. Colourssuch as:

  • Yellow – stimulates your ego and spirits
  • Blue – soothing shade that stimulates your mind
  • Red- stimulates you physically
  • Green – balanced, calming and reassuring

Dependent on the type of business you run,or job you have no office will look the same. However, if bright walls don’t appeal and you want a more traditional plain colouredoffice, one thing you could do is purchase wall art which will give you the chance to let the personality of your office shine through still and improve the mood of your employees.

Go green

Something to consider is turning your office into a green-friendly environment by embracing an energy plan that includes switching to solar energy. You could start using solar meters which can be installed by a Level 2 Electrician Sydney service; this will not only save you money but also as a company you are doing your bit to help the environment.

Other ways you could go green is by ensuring that there is more natural lighting instead of having light switches on, going paperless or starting monthly green team challenges that will also improve on team building skills within your office.

Using plants as décor

One thing that you will be able to do quickly and easily to change up the look and feel of the office is by getting in lots of plants. Having plants will mean that the air is cleaner as they absorb indoor air pollution and increase the flow of oxygen. This will have a direct effect on employees; it will help to reduce stress, boost creativity and most importantly increase productivity.

Clutter and storage

It might be worth putting some money aside to purchase some stylish storage units that will look great in the office. A reason you and your employees might be struggling to focus on the work is that there is simply too much clutter in your office. So, by purchasing storage and keeping the office clean and tidy, you might find that you have also cleared the minds of those working and therefore are improving their productivity in the job.

Have a chill zone

Improving the look of the workspace your employees work in is important, but it is also important to remember that humans are not robots and sometimes need a break. Creating a space that they can go and take a five-minute breather away from work or sit and enjoy their lunch will contribute to their happiness in their job, and the chances of people phoning in sick or leaving will decrease.

Having an office that looks great and feels great will make a world of difference to how you work and how much you and your employees love coming to work, so what’s stopping you?

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